Book NowAttractions
The city of Charlevoix offers a wide array of indoor and outdoor activities and attractions, including sailing charters, art festivals, great golf courses, and much more.
Featured Attractions

Earl Young Mushroom House Tours
Visit the wonderful and unique custom houses created by master builder Earl Young. Over the course of his fifty-year career, Young would build twenty-six residential houses and four commercial properties. His works are made mostly of stone, using limestone, fieldstone, and boulders that he found throughout Northern Michigan
Friske Farm Market
Friskie Farm Market offers wonderful food and extraordinary farm fun for the whole family.

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Downtown Charlevoix & Concert Series
Stop by the East Park Odmark Performance Pavilion in Downtown Charlevoix for special performances by performing artists.
All Attractions
Things to Do
- Visit the beautiful Castle Farms – Call 231.237.0884
- Charlevoix Venetian Festival
- Charlevoix Waterfront Art Fair
- Beaver Island Boat Company
- Cruise to Beaver Island and explore!
- Sunshine Charters – Go Sailing!
- Top of Michigan Trails Council – Go Hiking or Biking
- Five great golf courses… www.GolfCharlevoix.com
- Esperance Wine Purveyors of Specialty Foods and Wines
- Stafford’s Weathervane Restaurant
- Friske Orchards
- Cinema III – Call 547-4353 for movie information.
- Vist Charlevoix
- Mr. McSauba Recreation Area.
- Charlevoix Area Community Pool – Indoor swimming.
Call 547-0982 for information. - Earl Young Mushroom House Walking Tours